Friday, June 14, 2019

Guava Tea - Benefits and uses

Diabetes is a common disease today. Do you know, guava leaf Lea is better for Diabetes?

Let's see.
guava leaf contains chemicals like Eujenol, Flavanoids, Polyphinolic compounds, Saponins, Tannins etc. Most of them are good for reducing glucose levels. They can perevent enzymes from carbohydrate metabolism, and hence to reduce glucose levels in blood. They can prevent the absorption of Maltose and Sukrose to the blood and hense prevent Diabetes.

According to ayurvedic view, Diabetes is a disease in which Kapha and Medas are vitiated. guava tea is Rooksha and Theekshna, and can reduce Kapha.

Peoples from Mexico and South America were used this beverage as a medical drink. Later, researches from Japan revealed that the tea is good for reducing Diabetes as well as Cholesterol in the blood. Now peoples of Japan is widely use this drink.

How use Guava tea:
Guava tea is used as decoction or as a regular drink like tea. Guava leaf is used in row or as powder.

Let's see other benefits of Guajava tea.
1) Lung:
Have the capacity to reduce Kapha in lungs and bronchitis (Mucus). Hence to help for osmosis. It helps to reduce cough due to oxigen deficiency.

2) Immunity:
It improves immunity. Polyphenolic compounds and eugenols in this leaf can help for this action. Like that it pervents from allergic conditions.

3) Cholesterol:
Guava tea contained Catechin, Gallic acids are effective for reducing Cholesterol. Hence to prevent athero sclerosis.

4) Diarrhea:
It contained chemical Tanning is very effective for preventing diarrhea.

5) Obesity:
Catechin, Quersetin etc reduced fat level and hence reduce obesity. It reduces LDL Cholesterol and maintain HDL level without harming the body.

6) Good for hair:
Guava contained Vitamin B, is good for hair growth. It can used as applying leaf paste over the scalp, or by washing by guava leaf decoction before bath.

After saying these much, let me to stop. If you feel this an informative blog, please share to your friends. Thank you.

You can see this video in YouTube in Malayalam by clicking here>>>>>

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