Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Hai Friends, Good morning and welcome to my blog. Today let's talk about the benefits of eating carrot.

Carrot is a root vegetable having so many vitamins and minerals. There are many ways to take in such as row, cooked or as juice.

Carrot gets its traditional yellow colour from Alphacarotene and Betacarotene. Carrot contained many ntrients like zeaxanthin, Lutein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Minerals and Fibres.

Now we can discuss about the benefits of carrot.
1) Taking carrot daily may improve your health and immunity power. It contained vitamins like K, B6, Phospherus, Pottacium etc are good for the health of bone, brain and nervous system.

2) Contained no added sugar, so good fro diabetes patients. Good for regulating cholesterol. It contained Pottacium, so good for heart.

3) Good for eyes. It contained vitamin A, hence to prevent carratomalacia. It increases the power of night vision. It contained carrotinoids like xiaxanthin, lutein may prevent age related vision problems.

4) Antioxidants and minerals in carrot may prevent the distructive processes of the body. It contained Pottacium is good for heart and circulation. It may inceincrthe periferal circulation and keep your skin fair.

5) Vitamin K may healp to absorb calcium, and so good for bone.

6) Contained Phospherus, helps for digestion.

7) Good for the health of Mouth, Gums and Teeth. Pervents oral infection.

8) Prevents cancer.

9) Pottacium helps for the health of heart.

10) Good for liver. Helps for the detoxification work of liver.

One more thing to say. Over use of carotin may lead hiper pigmentation to the skin to yellow or orange colour, called Carotenemia. It is no a serious complaint. By stopping carrotin may lead to normal skin colour.

Dietary suppliments or medicine contained carrotinoids may lead to hypervitaminosis A. But, it will not happen by the intake of carrot.

Thank you for reading my blog. Let's see with another subject.

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