Saturday, April 18, 2020

Home made masks in Covid 19

Good morning, and welcome all to my new blog.

Today I am discussing about Home made face masks, as advise by our Government in this panic situation of Covid19.

1) Shal it gives 100% protection?
2) May it increases the chance of spreading a disease in a community?
3) Contra indications of Masks.

Let's see,
Now a days, in the situation of Covid19, all are vigilante in using face mask. So, a shortage of mask in the market is happened. To overcome the problem, Government and some NGOs are came forward to lead a bulk production of Cloth masks. Hence the requirement almost fulfilled.

Face masks can be classified into 3.
1) Home made masks
2) Surgical masks
3) Respirators

Let's explain  Home made masks in details.

These are otherwise called Cloth masks. By using Cotton cloth, Baniyan cloths etc are used for the production of this masks. Which are easily available in a bulk. It needs only manpower to make a huge amount in a short period.

Our government adviced all public to wear Cloth masks for protecting themselves from droplet or airborne diseases.

In this situation, some one asking some doubts about the efficacy of Home made masks.

1) Will they protect 100%?
The answer is, No. It may give less than 50% protection than a Surgical mask. It means, many particles may escape through the gaps of the mask. It may give a false feel of protection.

So, when using cloth mask, Social distancing and Personal hygiene should be kept.

2) Is there any chance of spreading diseases through these masks?
May be. Home made masks are not made in a sterile condition. A chance of contamination to the row material, or at the time of making, or at the time of supplying to the public may happen. It may lead to spread the disease. Beware, the mask is directly put on the face, so the chance of spread in a huge community may occure by contaminated masks.

How can solve this problem?
Yes by disinfecting like Otoclave in a hospital before supplying to the public.

Before using the mask, people should put it in detol water, Bleaching solution etc for some time and wash and dry.

Thank you.

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