Sunday, November 11, 2018


Dandruff is a skin condition of scalp having flaking or itching. It is considering that males are more affected than females. Exact causes are unknown.

It can be divided into five.
1) Dry skin related problems.
2) Sebum related dandruff
3) Fungal related dandruff
4) Disease related such as Psoriasis, Seborrhoeic dermatitis etc
5) allergic reactions to some products used in scalp.


This an oil widely used in Ayurveda for dandruff related to inflammation from fungus or bacteria to scalp.

Fungus are mainly grows in humid conditions in scalp. When skin eruptions occurs, swet and dust accumulates in the erupted dead skin and gradually becomes dirty in appearance. In this humid area, fungus grows rapidly (Malassezia globosa)

The oil is considered as Ushnaveerya. It is considering as anti fungal and anti bacterial in action (anti inflammatory). So by applying the oil over scalp reduces the skin conditions. And hence to improve hair growth.

How to prepare The oil:
Ingredients: Datura alba, and Kera tailam

Kalkam: Paste of seed of Datura (1 par)
Oil: Keratailam (4 part of kalkam)
Swarasam: Juice of datura leaf (16 part of Kalkam)

Take the above three in a pan and boil till get a clear oil over the fried kalkam. The kalkam should be in a stage of Kharapaka.

(You can see this in youYouT in Malayalam by clicking here)

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