Saturday, October 29, 2011



Vipaka is the rasa originated from a food after digestion. When we eat or drink a substance it comes in the contact with jathar Agni (digestive fire). If the jatharagni is in its normal state it is able to digest (pachan) the substance eaten. During this digestion the food undergoes many bio transformational changes. In this process of paak (physiological condition of digestion) due to different degrees of digestion, the transformation of rasa takes place. This changing of rasa of the substance into a certain similar or dissimilar rasa is called vipaka. After completion of digestion, the substance or the food ingested would produce certain action by which we can know the process under which the substance has undergone. Hence vipaka is judged by anumana (inference made after observation). The effects of vipaka commences after the full digestion is completed. These vipaka are of there types.
  1. Madhur vipaka
  2. Aamla vipaka
  3. Katu vipaka

"Swaadu paduscha madhuram amlo amlam pchyathe rasa:
tikthoshana kashayascha vipaka: prayasa: kadu"

Madhura and Lavana - Madhura
Amlam - Amlam
Tiktham,Kadu and Kashaya - Kadu

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