Saturday, November 20, 2010

AASYAPAAKAM and its Treatment

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the parts of the mouth, including the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and roof or floor of the mouth. The word "stomatitis" literally means "inflammation of the mouth." This inflammation can be caused by conditions in the mouth itself, such as poor oral hygiene, poorly fitted dentures, mouth burns from hot food or drinks, or by conditions that affect the entire body, such as medications, allergic reactions, or infections.

Stomatitis is usually a painful condition, with redness, swelling, bleeding,or bad breath. Stomatitis affects all age groups, from the infant to the elderly.

A number of factors can cause stomatitis. Poorly fitted oral appliances, cheek biting, or jagged teeth can irritate the mouth. Chronic breathing through the mouth becuase of clogged nasal passages can dry the mouth, which can leadto irritation. 

Diseases such as cold sores, gonorrhea, measles, AIDS, and lack of vitamin C can cause stomatitis.

Canker sores are a specific type of stomatitis that causes shallow, painful ulcers usually located on the lips, cheeks, gums, or roof or floor of the mouth. These ulcers can range from pinpoint size to up to an inch or more. Though the cause of canker sores is unknown, nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin B12, folate, or iron) is suspected.

Generalized stomatitis can be caused by too much alcohol, spices, hot food, or tobacco products. Sensitivity to mouthwashes, toothpastes, and lipstick canirritate the lining of the mouth. Exposure to heavy metals, such as mercury,lead, or bismuth can cause stomatitis. 

Thrush (a type of fungal infection) is also a type of stomatitis.

It can be hard to diagnose stomatitis. A doctor will conduct a physical examination to evaluate the oral lesions and other skin problems. Blood tests or scrapings of the lining of the mouth may be evaluated in a culture or under amicroscope to identify any infections.

Treatments of AASYAPAAKAM

1) Triphala Choorna- for Gargling (Act as disinfectant)
2) Arimedadi tailam- for mouth wash (Will regain the strength if the gum)
3) Anuthailam- for nasya
4) Laxation or Purgation-to remove the indigested bowel (AMAM)
5) Appetizers like Ashtachoornam, Vaiswanara choornam, etc
6) Kashaya like Gandharva Hasthadi, Punarnavadi, Manjishtadi, etc(Ama pachana +Vathanulomana)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

running nose

running nose can be treated by applying
Rasnadi choorna over head

after that some lehya should be given

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rejuvenation in Ayurveda

Rasayana is the method of disease prevention and life extension in Ayurveda, to strengthen the body and mind after the doshas have been eliminated or balanced. Although it can be used during the treatment of a disease, the best results are obtained when the body has been purified of ama (wastes), and the patient has undergone either shamana chikitsa (balancing therapy) or pancha karma (purification).

Vata Rasayana
Ashwagandha root 3 parts 
Shatavari root 3 parts 
Brahmi herb 2 parts 
Gokshura root 2 parts 
Bala root 2 parts 
Jatamamsi root 2 parts 
Licorice root 1 part 
Rx: 3-5 g of the powdered herb, taken with honey and ghee, twice daily
Pitta Rasayana 
Amalaki fruit 3 parts 
Shatavari root 3 parts 
Gotu Kola herb 3 parts 
Bhringaraj herb 2 parts 
Guduchi vine 2 parts 
Sandalwood bark 1 part 
Licorice root 1 part 
Rx: 3-5 g of the powdered herb, taken with ghee, twice daily
Kapha Rasayana 
Bibhitaki fruit 3 parts 
Guduchi vine 3 parts 
Guggulu resin 2 parts 
Arjuna bark 2 parts 
Fenugreek seed 2 parts 
Cardamom seed 1 part 
Black Pepper fruit 1 part 
Rx: 3-5 g of the powdered herb, taken with honey, twice daily 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pancha maha bhoota theory

These five elements are:
or Akasha 
Air or Vayu 
Fire or Tejas 
Water or Apa 
Earth or Prithvi
Likewise other elements too were intended by the ancient vaidyas (physicians) to communicate the essential universal principle inherent in a particular element. By fire we mean the universal force in nature that produces heat and radiates light; it is our passion to pursue despite obstacles and delays; it is what burns away the cloak of ignorance (avidya) and allows the Truth to shine with brilliance. Fire removes doubt from the mother-substance of human heart and replaces it with joy. Air is that transparent, rarefied, kinetic force which sets the universe in motion; it moves the blood through the vessels, wastes from the body, thoughts through the mind; it moves the birds to warmer climates in winter, it moves the planets around their suns. Space is the subtlest of all elements which is everywhere and touches everything; in the mind it is the vessel which receives all impressions, in the heart space accepts love; space is receptivity and non-resistance to what is true.
Within a single living cell the earth element predominates by giving structure to the cell. The water element is present in the cytoplasm or the liquid within the cell membrane. The fire element regulates the metabolic processes regulating the cell. While the air element predominates the gases therein. The space occupied by the cell denoting the last of the elements.

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