Wednesday, May 6, 2009



FAMILY : Asteraceae

Stems is erect and grows to an average height of 45-50 cms. The stem is single from base and has many branches.Leaves - are opposite and gro 11 - 13 cm long.Flowers - Has both ray flowers and disk flowers in inflorescense. Flowering takes place in July- October
wet areas
Wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone from Eclipta alba (Bhringraja) have potent trypsin inhibitory effect.
Eclipta has bio-active steroidal alkaloids but the also possess weak cyto-toxity against certain cells
PARTS USED : root and stems
Rasa: pungent, bitter
Veerya: heating
Vipaka: pungent
Guna: light, dry
Doshas: VK- ; P+

Pharmacological Action:
hepatic deobstruent and tonic, alterative, emetic, purgative, antiseptic, antiviral

Clinical Research:
E. Alba protected guinea pigs against mortality from carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage . In the control group there was a 77.7% mortality rate after 24 hours versus 22.3% in the E. alba-treated group. Serum transaminases were also significantly lower in the treated group. Histopathological examination of the liver revealed a reduction of parenchymal damage in the E. alba-treated animals. Similar hepatoprotective effects have also been reported in rabbits . Gupta, reported E. alba to possess myocardial depressant and hypotensive effects. There are also reports of clinical improvement in the treatment of infective hepatitis , . The alcoholic extract has shown antiviral activity against Ranikhet disease virus.

Traditional Uses:
Bhringaraj is commonly used as a deobstruent to promote bile flow and to protect the liver parenchymal tissue in viral hepatitis and other conditions involving hepatic enlargement. The fresh juice of the leaves is given in the treatment of edema, fevers, liver disorders, and rheumatic joint pains; it is also used to improve the appetite and to stimulate digestion. The juice is given with honey to treat upper respiratory congestion in children. A hair oil prepared from boiling the fresh leaves with either coconut or sesame oil renders the hair black and lustrous. It is popularly used to enhance the memory and has a reputation as an antiaging agent in Ayurveda. An herbal poultice is made with sesame oil and used over glandular swellings and various skin conditions. The leaf juice is also effective when applied externally to treat minor cuts, abrasions, and burns.

viral hepatitis, hepatic enlargement with biliary stasis, hair hygiene, impaired memory, minor cuts, abrasions and burns.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wedelolactone isolated from the herbs of Eclipta prostrata. It could significantly inhibit the activation of LX-2 cells. Wedelolactone

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