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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Kingdom :Plantae
Order :Lamiales
Family :Scrophuariaceae
Genus :Bacopa
Species : B. monnieri
Zoological name :Bacopa monnieri
Other names :
Bacopa, Babies tear, Bacopa monnieri, Hespestis monniera, Nirbrahmi, Indian Pennywort, Jalanevari and water hyssop are the other names that are used for Brahmi. In English it is commonly called as the 'Herb of Grace'. Description : Brahmi is the small creeping herb with the numerous branches. It grows to a height of 2 -3 feet and its branches are 10 -35 cm long. It has oval shaped leaves that are 1-2 cm long and 3- 8 mm broad. Leaves are formed in pairs along the stems. Small- tubular, five petaled flowers are white- purple in colour. Its stem is soft, succulent, and hairy with the glands. Roots emerge out of the nodules and directly go to the soil.
Other Species :
Herpestis monniera, or Moniera cuneifolia is the other specie of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri).
The salient botanical features are described below:
Stem: Prostrate, (sub)succulent, herbaceous.
Leaves:Decussate, simple, oblong, 1 x 0.4 cm, (sub)succulent, punctate, penninerved, margin entire, apex obtuse, (sub)sessile.
Flower(s):Axillary, solitary, bracteate (2 bracteoles), linear, pedicel to 0.5 cm., purple in color.
Calyx:5 lobes (unequal); outer 2 lobes larger, ovate, 7 x 3.5 mm; inner 2 lobes linear, 5.5 x 0.7 mm; median 1 lobe oblong, 5.5 x 2 mm, imbricate, (sub)succulent, punctate, obtuse, acute.
Corolla:White with violet and green bands inside the throat, 0.8 cm across, 5 mm tube; 5 lobes, obscurely 2-lipped, 2+3, (sub)equal, obtuse or emarginate.
Stamens:4, didynamous; filament pairs I and 2.5 mm anthers oblong, contiguous, 1. 5 mm.
Ovary:Oblong-globose, 2 mm; style slightly deflexed, 5.5 mm; stigma flat capsule, oblong-globose, 5 x 2.5 mm, septicidal or locilicidal, or 4-valved.
Seeds:Oblong; testa striate.
Location :
Brahmi is found in marshy areas near streams and ponds throughout India especially in the North eastern regions. It is found at an elevations from sea level to altitudes of 4,400 feet. It is found in `Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Foot hills of Himachal Pradesh & Uttaranchal. It is also widely grown in the Bandhavgarh National Park in India.
Cultivation methods :
Brahmi is propagated by seed, cuttings and also by the root division. Before establishing the plant cutting the field should be ploughed properly ans must be made free of weeds. The cuttings should be 4-5 cm long and must contain roots and leaves. Hand weeding is required in every 5 -20 days. It grows faster in the high temperature (33- 42 Degree celcius) and humidity (65 -80%). It prefers wet spots. It is grown in the pots in the house garden. It can grow in both the sun and shade. It requires water from time to time as its roots are shallow. It also requires regular organic fertilizer for its growth. It gives flowers ans fruit in the summer season. It requires moderate to high lightening to grow well.
Irrigation & Harvesting:
The plant requires adequate water. The irrigation requirement depends upon the soil's moisture content. Weeding is done periodically. The whole plant can be removed after 120-150 days. The planting material for the next crop is ensured by retaining 24" x 24" patches of the cultivated crop. Good quality final produce is green in color. The method of drying affects the final quality. The plants should be washed properly before drying. For bulk drying, the harvested crop should be immediately spread in thin layers in well-ventilated shaded areas. In order to ensure quick and uniform drying, the produce should be stirred at least twice a day. The drying process takes about 8 to 10 days.
Medicinal uses :
Brahmi is used in traditional Indian medicines for centuries. for the treatment of bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma, hoarseness, arthritis, rheumatism, backache, fluid retention, blood cleanser, chronic skin conditions, constipation, hair loss, fevers, digestive problems, depression, mental and physical fatigue and many more. It is used to treat all sorts of skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, abscess and ulceration. It stimulates the growth of skin, hair and nails. Brahmi posses anticancer activity. It is taken to get relief from stress and anxiety. According to the Ayurveda Brahmi has antioxidant properties. It has been reported to reduce oxidation of fats in the blood stream, which is the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Brahmi is considered as the main rejuvenating herb for the nerve and brain cells.
Other uses :
Brahmi is rich in Vitamin C and can be used in the salads, soups and sandwiches. Brahmi oil restores and preserves the memory. In India it is given to the infants to boost memory power intelligence.
Cultural importance :
Brahmi is the name derived from the Lord Brahma. It is said that the use of Brahmi for the memory goes back 3000 years or more in India. Brahmi represents the creative energy of this earth.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
FAMILY : Asteraceae ![](
Pharmacological Action:
Clinical Research:
Traditional Uses:
FAMILY : Asteraceae
Stems is erect and grows to an average height of 45-50 cms. The stem is single from base and has many branches.Leaves - are opposite and gro 11 - 13 cm long.Flowers - Has both ray flowers and disk flowers in inflorescense. Flowering takes place in July- October
wet areas
Wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone from Eclipta alba (Bhringraja) have potent trypsin inhibitory effect.
Eclipta has bio-active steroidal alkaloids but the also possess weak cyto-toxity against certain cells
wet areas
Wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone from Eclipta alba (Bhringraja) have potent trypsin inhibitory effect.
Eclipta has bio-active steroidal alkaloids but the also possess weak cyto-toxity against certain cells
PARTS USED : root and stems
Rasa: pungent, bitter
Veerya: heating
Vipaka: pungent
Guna: light, dry
Doshas: VK- ; P+
Doshas: VK- ; P+
Pharmacological Action:
hepatic deobstruent and tonic, alterative, emetic, purgative, antiseptic, antiviral
Clinical Research:
E. Alba protected guinea pigs against mortality from carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage . In the control group there was a 77.7% mortality rate after 24 hours versus 22.3% in the E. alba-treated group. Serum transaminases were also significantly lower in the treated group. Histopathological examination of the liver revealed a reduction of parenchymal damage in the E. alba-treated animals. Similar hepatoprotective effects have also been reported in rabbits . Gupta, reported E. alba to possess myocardial depressant and hypotensive effects. There are also reports of clinical improvement in the treatment of infective hepatitis , . The alcoholic extract has shown antiviral activity against Ranikhet disease virus.
Traditional Uses:
Bhringaraj is commonly used as a deobstruent to promote bile flow and to protect the liver parenchymal tissue in viral hepatitis and other conditions involving hepatic enlargement. The fresh juice of the leaves is given in the treatment of edema, fevers, liver disorders, and rheumatic joint pains; it is also used to improve the appetite and to stimulate digestion. The juice is given with honey to treat upper respiratory congestion in children. A hair oil prepared from boiling the fresh leaves with either coconut or sesame oil renders the hair black and lustrous. It is popularly used to enhance the memory and has a reputation as an antiaging agent in Ayurveda. An herbal poultice is made with sesame oil and used over glandular swellings and various skin conditions. The leaf juice is also effective when applied externally to treat minor cuts, abrasions, and burns.
viral hepatitis, hepatic enlargement with biliary stasis, hair hygiene, impaired memory, minor cuts, abrasions and burns.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Kingdom :Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order : Sapindales
Family : Meliaceae
Genus : Azadirachta
Species : A. indica
Scientific Name : Azadiracta indica
Other names : It is popularly known as the miracle tree. It is known as Nimba in India. The Sanskrit name of Neem is Arishtha meaning the reliever of the sickness. Margosa tree
Description : It is a tall evergreen tree with the small bright green leaves. It is up to 100 feet tall. It blossoms in spring with the small white flowers. It has a straight trunk. Its bark is hard rough and scaly, fissured even in small trees. The colour of the bark is brown grayish. The leaves are alternate and consists of several leaflets with serrated edges. Its flowers are small and white in colour. The loive like edible fruit is oval, round and thin skinned.
Other Species : A. juss, A. azedarac are the other related species of Neem tree. A. juss, A. azedarac are the other related species of Neem tree. A. juss, A. azedarac are the other related species of Neem tree.
Location : Neem tree is found throughout India. It is a popular village tree. Although it is also widely grown in Ranthambore National Park, Bandhavgarh national Park, Mrugavani Naional Park, Bannerghata National Park, Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary and Guindy National Park.
Cultivation : Neem tree can easily be grown in the dry, stony, shallow and clayey soils. It needs very little water and plenty of sunlight. It grows slowly during the first year of planting. It can be propagated through the seeds and cuttings. Young neem tree can not tolerate excessive cold. .
Medicinal uses : The indigenous people of Nilgiris consume the dried and powered tubulers of the terrestrial orchids as an energizing tonic. Neem also holds medicinal value. Each part of neem is used in the medicines. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for more than 4000 years. Neem oil extracted from its seeds is used in medicines, pest control and cosmetics etc. Its leaves are used in the treat Chickenpox.. According to the Hindus, it is believed that the Goddess of the chickenpox, Sithala lives in the Neem tree. Neem tea is usually taken to reduce the headache and fever. Its flowers are used to cure intestinal problems. Neem bark acts as an analgesic and can cure high fever as of malaria. Even the skin diseases can be cured from the Neem leaves. Indians even believe that the Neem can even purify diseases.
Other uses : People in India use its twigs to brush their teeth. Neem is considered as the useful tree in rehabilitating the waste land areas. Neem seed pulp is useful for methane gas production. It is also useful as carbohydrate which is rich base for other industrial fermentations. Neem bark contains tannins which are used in tanning and dyeing. In south India its wood is used to make the furniture. The bark of the yields the fiber that is woven into ropes. Neem cake is widely used in India as fertilizer for sugarcane, vegetable and other cash crops. Many countries have been consistently growing the Neem tree against the global warming. The worldwide Neem Foundation has helped in making the people aware about the importance of neem and its uses globally.
Cultural Importance : One can find Neem in almost all the parts of India. It is said that planting Neem tree in the house is a ensured passage to heaven. Its leaves are stung on the main entrance to remain away from the evil spirits. Brides take bath in the water filled with the Neem leaves. Newly born babies are laid upon the Neem leaves to provide them with the protective aura. Neem gives out more oxygen than other trees. The neem tree is also connected with the Sun, in the story of Neembark 'The Sun in the Neem tree'. Neem is the wonder tree and finds mention in the number of ancient texts.
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