Tuesday, February 10, 2009




Thulsi is a common medicinal plant seen in India. According to the colour, it can be divided into two ; White coloured (Rama tulsi) and Violet coloured (Krishna tulsi).In these two ,Krishna tulsi is having more medicinal value.

According to the use it is included in 'Jwaraghna' drug in ayurveda.

Scientific name: Ocimum sanctum Linn.

Family: Lamiaceae


Sanskrit: Surasa, Surabhi, Bhuthaghni, Bahumanjari, Gramya, Devadundhubhi.

Hindi: Thulsi

Bangali: Thulasi

Thamil: Thulachi

Telungu: Thuluchi


Allover India; especially it is protected in Hindu homes.


Half to one meter in height. Thulsi is an annual plant, much branched;

stem and branches usually purplish, sub-quadrangular;

leaves 2.5 to 5 by 1.6 to 3.2 cm, elliptic oblong-obtuse, pubesent on both side.

Flowers in racemes.

Rasaadi gunas:

Rasa: Kashaya, Katu, Thiktha

Guna: Laghu, Rooksha

Veerya: Ushna

Vipakam: Katu


Jwara samanam (Decreases fever)

Udara keimi naasanam (Reduces intestinal worms)

Ruchi vardhanam (Increases taste)

Scorpion poison, Spider poison, Snake poison reduces

Softens 'Kapha'

Mootra vardhanam (Increases urine)

Twk roga samanam (uses in skin diseases)

Parts used:

Leaf, Flower, Whole plant.

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