Sunday, December 21, 2008


Vata Pitta and Kapha

This universe is run by three types of forces namely kinetic force, potential force and the force acting as stimulant for either of these. These forces are represented in our body in the form of three Doshas. ‘Doshas’ here means the forces those can disturb the body when these are not in balance. These three Doshas are named as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three represent the whole metabolism going on in the body.

Kinetic force has the ability to bring about the changes in the subject matter where ever it is applied. This force is represented in our body by Vata. Etymologically ‘Vata’ means “that which moves things.” In the absence of Vata other two forces are considered to be lame, incapable to bring about any change. It also governs our sensory and mental balance and orientation, and promotes mental adaptability and comprehension.

Potential force in our body is Kapha. Etymologically Kapha means “that which holds things together.” It provides substance and gives support, and makes up the bulk of our body tissues. It also provides emotional support in life and governs such positive emotional traits as love compassion, modesty, patience, and forgiveness. In brief it is the on going anabolic process in our body.

The stimulant for kinetic or potential force to be working is Pitta. Etymologically it means “that which digest things.” It is responsible for all chemical and metabolic transformations in the body. It also governs our mental digestion, our capacity to perceive reality and understand things as they are. Thus we can say Pitta represents the catabolic process going on in the body.

How Dosha evolves

Ayurveda considers each and every thing of this universe to be composed of five great elements (Panchmahabhootas). Same applies for Tridoshas besides this these have some elements in higher proportion than others and these are considered to be made of those elements in higher proportion.

Vata is composed of element air and ether. One of them is the working force and another provides the space for that force to be functional. But when there is less working force and space is greater, the change will hard to notice. While greater force in less space will result in destruction. So Vata is that force which maintains the equilibrium between air and ether element.

Pitta is considered to be composed of water and fire elements. But it is not possible for water and fire to exist together. One with higher potential will exist and other will vanish. Here Pitta comes in action. It is the force that makes water and fire to reside together. It is just like hot water or acids present in stomach as these are nothing more than fire in water.

Kapha consists of element water and earth. But practically these two can never mix with one another. Earth will sediment leaving the water clear. The force namely Kapha compels these two to stay together.

Vata -Dry ,Cold ,Light ,Irregular ,Mobile ,Rarified ,Rough

Pitta -Oily ,Hot ,Light ,Intense ,Fluid ,Mal odorous ,Liquid

Kapha -Oily ,Cold ,Heavy ,Stable ,Viscous ,Dense ,Smoth

Above table depicts that these Doshas share some characteristics with one another and differ in some. It is also clear that dryness is the characteristic feature of Vata heat that of Pitta and heaviness, that of Kapha.

1 comment:

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