Monday, March 18, 2019

How To Make Virgin Coconut Oil For Newborns.

Hai friends, welcome to my blog. Here I am explain how to make a safe oil for newborn babes for their external application.

Coconut milk

How to prepare:
Take Coconut milk in a pan and boil. After a short time, oil will separate from the milk and will appear in the pan above the residue of the coconurmilk. When the residue gets reddishyellow colour, stop heating and shift the pan from the stow. Allow it to cool.

After cooling, pore the oil to another pot. Now you can apply this to your babes before bathing.

You can add juices of Turmeric, Nimbapathra, Aloevera etc on condition by your thought. ( First two for skin diseases, Aloevera for scalp diseases like that)

Thank you for reading my blog, Have a nice day.

(You can see a video in YouTube in Malayalam by clicking here)

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