Sunday, June 28, 2009




Adathoda vasica(large leaves)

Adathoda badomi(having small leaves)

General Information
Botanical Name: Adhatoda vasica, Justicia adhatoda
Common Name: Adatodai, Arusa, Adulsa, Bakas, Malabar Nut Tree
Plant Family: Acanthaceae
History: Adhatoda leaves have been used extensively in Ayurvedic Medicine for over 2000 years primarily for respiratory disorders.

Plant constituents of Adhatoda vasica
Adhatoda contains:

*Quinazoline Alkaloids
*vasicine - 45-95% (the mucolytic drug bromhexine was developed from this alkaloid)
*N-oxides of vasicine
*essential oil

The leaf extract, is considered safe and the oil has low toxicity.
*glycosides of kaempferoland
*hydroxy oxychalcone
*glucosyl oxychalcone

*odorous volatile principle
*organic adhatodic acid

*abortifacient [an agent that induces or causes premature expulsion of a fetus (abortion)]
*anti-asthmatic [an agent to relieve asthma]
*antispasmodic [an agent which relieves or eases muscular spasms, cramps or convulsions]
*antitussive [an agent that relieves coughing]
*bronchodilator [an agent to dilate the bronchials]
*expectorant [an agent that promotes the discharge of mucous and secretions from the respiratory passages]
*febrifuge [an agent that reduces or eliminates fevers]
*mucolytic [an agent that thins and breaks down mucus]
*oxytocic [an agent that stimulates contraction of the uterine muscle, facilitating or speeding up childbirth]
*uterotonic [an agent that tones, strengthens and invigorates the uterus or the entire organism giving a feeling of well-being]

Usage of Adhatoda vasica
Adhatoda Vasica was traditionally used by midwives at the time of delivery because of its uterotnoic activity. Due to its anti-implantation activity, adhatoda should not be used while pregnant.

Medicinal Part used: Leaves, roots, flowers and stem bark

Adhatoda vasica is commonly used for:
*Blood Conditions
*bleeding due to idiopathic (unknown) thrombocytopenic (blood does not have enough platelets) purpura (excessive bruising)

Cardiovascular Conditions
*moderate hypotensive activity (lowers blood pressure)
*pulmonary diseases

Female Conditions
*assists uterine involution (rolling or turning inward)
*menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding)
*postpartum (after childbirth) hemorrhage
*uterine stimulant activity

Gastrointestinal Conditions
*local bleeding due to peptic ulcer and/or piles (hemorrhoids)

Respiratory Tract Conditions
*acute and chronic bronchitis often combined with the herbs Licorice and Marshmallow for soothing the respiratory tract
*allergic asthma, often combined with the herbs Albizia, Baical Skullcap, Eyebright and Tylophora
*antihistamine effects (the leaves may be dried and smoked to relieve asthma)
*broncho-dilation effects
*obstructive airway disease (chronic) often combined with the herbs Polygala, Grindelia, Euphorbia and Elecampane
*phthisis (wasting of the body as in tuberculosis)
*relieves cough and breathlessness

Other Conditions
*bleeding gums (applied locally)
*gives relief in pyorrhoea, a gum disease (applied locally)
*intermittent fever
*Tuberculosis (all strains of inhibited by the essential oil)
*typhus fever

Recommended dosage is as follows:

0.5-1.5g/day dried root
1-3mL/day 1:2 fluid extract
Higher doses may be needed for the oxytocic effect during childbirth [to stimulate contraction of the uterine muscle, facilitating or speeding up childbirth]

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