Sunday, November 30, 2008



Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine. It is considering as the ‘upaveda’ of Adharvaveda. Atharvaveda is largely religious and ritualistic, emphasizing such practices as the “sacred utterance” (manthra), penances (niyama) etc.

Ayurveda as a life science

One is impressed by a vast conceptual canvas and framework of ayurveda. It is important to realise that it is not confined to medicines only, it tackles the whole subject of life in its various ramifications. This can be seen by the variety of topics discussed therein, such as rebirth, renunciation, salvation (moksha), soul(athma), etc.
The emphasis on maintenance of positive health or swastha vritha, is a distinguishing feature of Ayurveda. Inorder to maintain this positive health, Ayurveda prescribes specific daily routine- dinacharya, and also seasonal regim- rithucharya. Indinacharya, great importance is given to diet which is to be taken in a proper way with regards to quality, quantity, as well as frequency. Emphasis is given to physical exercise and personal hygiene. The daily regime advocate not to supress certain natural urges like micturetion, defecation, hunger etc. on the other hand supression of harmful psychic urges is advocated –like greed, fear, anger, vanity, jealousy, malice, and exaessive attachment to anything.
Equal importance is given to mental health, for which a regime of sadwritha(ethical life) is prescribed. Strict mental discipline and strict adherance to moral values is considered a pre-requisite for mental health.


The term ayurveda means ‘knowledge’ (veda) concerning maintenance of ‘life’ (ayus). The origine of the knowledge are evident in “Atharvaveda”.
The main ‘Acharyas’ (Rishies) related to this science is divided into two groups according to their living time. They are ‘brihat trayees’ and ‘Laghutrayees’.
Brihat trayees:
1. Charaka
2. Susrutha
3. Vagbhata
1. Madhava nidanam (Madhavan)
2. Bhavaprakasam (Bhavamisran)
3. Sarngadhara samhitha (Sarangadharan)


"Raagadi rogan sathadanushakthan

asesha kaya prasruthanaseshan

autsukya moharathithan jaghana

yo apoorva vaidyaya namosthu thasmai"

(Ashtanga Hridayam)

(रागादी रोगान शादाथानुशाक्थान
असेशाकाया प्रस्रुथानासेशान
औत्सुक्यमोहाराथिथान जघाना
यो अपूर्व वैद्याय नमोस्तु तस्मै )

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