Sunday, April 12, 2020

How to make Hand Sanitizer in Home by using Alcohol

Nowadays, the whole world is in a panic situation of Covid 19 infection. All are bothered about personal hygiene. Obeying social distancing is the best way to prevent the disease.

In the occasion of Covid 19, all are using Sanitizers frequently. And so the need of this is high. But, Sanitizers are out of stock in the market.

So, the knowledge of making a good Sanitizer in home may be helpfull to you.

How to make a sanitizer:

1) Isopropyl alcohol (Minimum 70% in concentration) 85 ml in quantity.

2) Glycerine (Glycerol) 10 ml

3) Hydrogen peroxide 5 ml

How to make:
Take the above 3 in a bottle and mix well. Your Sanitizer is ready.

Isopropyl alcohol is 99 or more concentrated alcohol. But for the membrane pore braking of bacteria, a little amount of water is a must. So you can use 70% or more concentrated alcohol.

By the frequent use of alcohol for sanitizing may cause dryness to your hand. So, a moisturizer should be added to this. You can add 10 ml of Glycerine to it.

The concentration of alcohol may change when adding Glycerine. It may decrease the anti microbial action of the compound.

To resolve this issue, you can add 5 ml Hydrogen peroxide to it.

Extra notes:
You can add, Lemon grass oil, Teatree oil etc as smelling agent in a little quantity (as drops).

Aloe vera jell can be added to get a thick viscous appearance. But, care should be taken that the alcohol concentration shouldn reduce below 70%.

For better action, the concentration of of alcohol should be 70% or more.

Thank you.

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