Tuesday, December 29, 2009


According to Hindu mithology it is considering as a holly tree.

SI Name: Cedrus deodara Roxb.
Family: Pinaceae

Sanskrit Names:
Devatharu, Suradharu, Bhadradharu, Devakaashtam, Amaradasa, Paribhadra, Snehavriksha, Mahachadha:

Rasadi Gunas:
Rasam: THiktham, Katu
Gunam :Lakhu, Snigdham
Veeryam : Ushnam
Vipakam: Katu

Evergreen needles, dark green but may have some silvery bloom giving them a blue-green color; 1 to 2 inches long, sharp pointed; occur singly on new growth and than later on spur shoots; remaining on the tree for 3 to 6 years.

Monoecious; male cones 2 to 3 inches long on the lower parts of crown; female cones erect, purplish, occur on upper portions of crown.

Upright cones, 3 to 4 inches long and 3 inches across; deciduous scales; initially green and purplish, then later turning a reddish brown when mature, usually resinous.

Slender, with numerous short spur shoots, branches droop with age; buds are very small and round.

Initially smooth and gray-brown, later developing short furrows with scaly ridge tops.

Young trees have a broad pyramidal crown that becomes wider with age; branch tips and leaders droop and have a fine texture. In the landscape it can reach 80 feet tall but becomes much taller in its native range.

Useful part: heart wood, oil

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